You want to start the diet, but what are the first steps?
You want to transform your families health, but feel overwhelmed?
You don’t like to cook?
Do you want the nuts and bolts of the diet, and a smaller group to share ideas?
Does this sound like you? I have been there, I was you. I have spent the last 6 years doing the work, and I want to show you what I have learned.
The GAPS CLUB is a place to come for information, share ideas, and support each other through the common bond of healing ourselves. At the GAPS Club there is always a comfy spot waiting for you, so NOW is the time to reserve your spot at the club.
I started working with Sheila in January 2014 because I thought I was dying. My entire body ached, my stomach hurt daily for over 10 years and my joints ached liked I was a 90 year old woman. The night before I made my first batch of bone broth, I gave my kids and husband an extra hug and kiss just in case I didn’t wake up the next morning … really … it was that bad. I made my broth and ate nothing but broth, boiled meats and veggies, for the next 18 days. I wanted to feel better. I didn’t … at first … I felt worse. Sheila said it was the “die off” off all the bacteria in my body trying to get out. I helped it get out by drinking lots of water, Epsom salt baths and dry brushing before my showers. I called her crying, she came over and went through the whole program with me, but expected me to only do what I could at the time. Sheila’s motto is … “better than.” Is this choice better than another choice? Then you are on the right track. Fast forward eight month later … I feel great. I work out consistently without pain, I eat all foods except grains, I lost 35 lbs (not the intention, but welcomed) and bone broth is a daily food in our home. My family eats more healthfully and we are all better for working with Sheila on the GAPS diet. Thank you Sheila…You saved my life! – Dana S.
Eight Week Self-Study Course – Nuts and Bolts of GAPS Diet Protocol.
8 pre-recorded modules downloadable at time of purchase
Modules will include goals and objectives, power point presentations, and recipe demos.
+ Recipes
+ Workbook that includes food journal, meal planning, hope journal
+ Online community access to Facebook group
+ Essential oil module
The GAPS CLUB will show you the way:
- An understanding of the importance of digestion as a foundation of health for your whole body.
- A working knowledge of the GAPS diet protocol including the Introduction, Full, and coming off the diet. As well as familiarity with SCD, AutoImmune Paleo and FODMAPS.
- Detox strategies, supplementation and essential oil knowledge to support a non-toxic lifestyle.
- Tons of resources for GAPS menu planning, traveling with GAPS, healing your body.
- Nutrient-dense kitchen techniques and skills to support the GAPS diet, such as how to make the best bone broth, fermented foods, and snacks for you and your family.
- A passion to learn more about your own health and share what you know.
- A viable solution to your health issues.
What does the course look like?
Week 1 Healthy Digestion, What does it look like? A new culture
Week 2 Gut/Brain Connection. A closer look at the Gut and Psychology Syndrome and Gut and Physiology Syndrome
Week 3 The GAPS Nutritional Protocol. How does it compare with SCD, PALEO, AUTO-IMMUNE PALEO, FODMAPS?
Week 4 GAPS Full Diet
Week 5 GAPS Introduction Diet
Week 6 GAPS Detoxification
Week 7 GAPS Supplementation / Essential Oils
Week 8 Living With GAPS