What is the GAPS diet?
The GAPS diet is a whole foods healing diet. The diet was created by Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride who tried to find a cure for her son’s autism. She recognized that there was a connection between the health of the gut and the health of the brain, and asserted that if there was leaky gut, then there would be a correlation with toxins in the brain and body. So if you work on the foundation, heal and seal the gut lining, then the body and brain function will improve. There are now tens of thousands of people who would agree with her.
What does the GAPS Protocol look like?
The GAPS Protocol comes in three parts: diet, supplementation, and detoxification. The diet is most similar to the Specific Carbohydrate diet, where healthy fats and proteins, and limited carbohydrates heal and seal the gut. The GAPS Protocol also requires more dedication to probiotic and fatty acid supplementation, as well as daily attention to detoxification strategies.
Is the GAPS diet difficult?
Yes and no… It is a diet that requires work, but it is doable when you have the education and right tools in place. I would not be here if I did not believe in the healing powers of this protocol. The healing works!
Who is the GAPS club for?
The GAPS CLUB is for everyone! I do believe that everyone could benefit with focusing on their nutrition. Maybe you don’t need to do it for the full two years, but maybe a a 2-3 month stint. Or are you preparing for pregnancy?
Do I need to read the book, if I am joining the Club?
Yes, I would highly suggest it. Yes, there will be overlap, but Dr. NCM’s book is the primary book for this healing protocol.
When do you actually start the diet?
The more information you have the more successful you will be. I suggest taking GAPS CLUB first through at least module 4.
If I am already on the diet, would this class help?
Yes, most definitely you will learn new information. Sheila comes from her own healing experience with GAPS, as well as being a Certified GAPS Practitioner.
How do I register?
Go to the classroom tab (located on top menu bar) and choose register from the drop down menu. You will then be asked for payment information, and granted access to the classroom. This is where you will be able see an introductory video and be able to download workbook. To visit the classroom again, you will choose the “take your seat,” option. The modules and community will be available to you at all times.