Hi & Welcome!

Don’t wait for a health crisis to totally change your life…

The time is NOW!

There are so many diets out there, how do you know that GAPS is for you?

The GAPS Diet works!

It is a healing foods diet which focuses on healing and sealing the gut for optimal health and wellness. I have already done the GAPS protocol, and I want to show you what I have learned. I have spent the last 5 1/2 years walking the walk, working with food and lifestyle changes to be my best self. And you know what, I wish it did not take a crisis for me to get my body healthy.

My Mission Statement:

My goal is to empower you to heal your digestive and health issues by re-examining the food you eat. I want you   to reclaim your kitchen to nourish yourself and your family.

“I’ve spent many years suffering from a bad gut.  I tried medical advice and followed various diets.  The discomfort became something I just lived with.  I even arranged my day around my symptoms.  Thank goodness I didn’t give up.  I attended a support group that Sheila led and my world changed.  I learned how to heal my gut and found some freedom.  Knowing I was going to talk to Sheila and the others every week kept me focused and motivated.  I was confident I was on the path to healing.  Sheila is so encouraging and has plenty of creative ideas for challenging situations.  I trust her immensely and look forward to participating in the next group.” – Amanda G.

I know when you get a diagnosis or if you are not getting any answers from your doctors, it is pretty scary. I am a Certified GAPS practitioner because of my own health crisis and healing experience with the GAPS diet almost six years ago. At five weeks postpartum, I was rushed to the ER by my neighbor as my husband watched our three kids. I sat around for hours doubled over in pain, when I was finally admitted I was diagnosed with a uterine staph infection. I spent the next five days hooked up to IV antibiotics, and watching bad T.V. YES, antibiotics saved my life, but they also contributed to an undesirable situation in my gut. You see, two weeks after I got back from the hospital, I was again stricken with severe stomach pain, and was diagnosed with clostridium difficile, more commonly known as C.diff. C.diff is known as an opportunistic bacteria that proliferates in hospitals, and when my doctor likened it to cholera, I knew I was in trouble.

And you know that the kicker was? The treatment plan was more antibiotics. “Really? You want to give me more drugs?”
I took the antibiotics, because I was scared. It was at this time that my sister mentioned the GAPS diet, because her husband had just been diagnosed with an auto immune disease. At that time there was not a lot of information about the GAPS DIET. And it was a mom blogger who had written a post about it … I remember asking her, “Could I ever eat chocolate or sourdough again?” She replied, “Yes,” and I knew that I had found HOPE. I immediately ordered the GAPS book along with Elaine Gottshall’s book, Breaking the Vicious Cycle, and went to my next doctor’s appointment with knowledge. However it fell on deaf ears, when they said, “Nutrition did not matter, and I could eat whatever I wanted because I had already lost 20 lbs.” I think that was the critical catalyst that strengthened my conviction, and I acknowledged that western medicine does not always integrate nutrition into their practice.
Although this has been a difficult journey, and my gut is not the same as it was six years ago, I know I am healthier now because of my experience. And if I hadn’t found nutrition when I did, who knows where I would be. So that is my silver lining, and what motivated me to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified GAPS Practitioner, and creator of the GAPS CLUB.

It is this knowledge that empowers me to take care of my family and myself. I am motivated to keep learning so that I can be in the place where I am now, that is, teaching people so that they can heal themselves with the food they eat.


I am here to help… Yea, let’s do this!


“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Mother Theresa